There are no signposts in the air to show a man has passed that way before. There are no channels marked. The flier breaks each second into new uncharted seas.
— Anne Morrow Lindberg, 1935

The Instrument Rating is the perfect companion for your private pilot license. With an Instrument Rating you can use personal airplanes reliably for fun and practical transportation. Our course also makes use of the Redbird FMX and SD advanced aviation training devices to reduce the number of flight hours needed to complete the course.

"Cleared for Approach" provides you with a complete training package, and it is FAA-approved under Part 141 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. Featuring the Cessna Integrated Flight Training System - the most comprehensive instrument pilot program available, utilizing Cessna's scenario-based online curriculum.

What does our course include?

• Cessna IFR training Kit (includes C172R or C172S POH only)
• 14 hours in the Redbird FMX Advanced Aviation Training Device
• 35 hours of aircraft time, including fuel
• 85 hours of FAA-certificated flight instructor time
• Charts, Plates, Airport Facility Directory
• 6% package discount is available for prepayment
• Testing Fees are not included

• FAA Private Pilot Certificate or higher (airplane)
• Meet pilot experience requirements for the aircraft selected

Course Pricing:

C172R/S: Single-axis autopilot, Garmin GNS430W color GPS
C172SP: Multifunction Display, 2-axis autopilot, Garmin GNS430W color GPS.
C172SP G1000: Garmin G1000 electronic flight instrument system.

C182T: Multifunction Display, 2-axis autopilot, Honeywell KLN94 color GPS.

Price estimates are based on the rates in effect in December 2024. All rates are subject to change.

Our price estimates are designed to include dual training, solo time and instructor charges that are within 5 hours of the national average. The actual cost of additional training, if any is required, is customized to the individual. The package also includes most of the additional supplies that will be required, such as charts and a headset. This approach results in a course price that more fairly represents the total cost required to obtain the Instrument Rating.

In order to provide the discounts we offer, we accept only cash or check payments on packages. Packages are subject to limitations on refunds.